XL900 Tac Lite Review – Multi-Tool Rechargeable Survival Tactical Flashlight?


The XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool is a flashlight that comes with a variety of built-in tools and features. Is it really “the last flashlight you’ll ever have to buy”? Find out today in our review.

What is the XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool?

The XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool, also known as the XL 900 Tactical Flashlight (or “Tac Lite”), is a flashlight available exclusively through an As Seen On TV offer. You can order it over the phone or through the product’s official website at XL900TacLite.com

What makes this flashlight different from the thousands of other tactical flashlights available on the market? Well, this flashlight comes with a Swiss Army Knife-like multitool on the back, complete with bottle openers, knives, scissors, and other helpful tools.

The XL 900 Tac Lite also comes with a rechargeable battery – so you never have to waste your money on bulky flashlight batteries again.

The flashlight is currently available at a price of around $30.

XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool Features

The XL 900 comes with all of the following features:

-Built-in stainless steel “army-style” tools

-Strobe light for personal protection in emergency situations (blind your attacker)

-9 long-lasting ultra bright LED lights

-Perfect for outdoors and dark spaces

-Works underwater

-Zoomable beam to focus on distant objects or illuminate wider spaces

-Easy-to-use grip and ergonomic handle

-Visible 2 nautical miles away

-“Tank-Tough Durable Construction”

As you can see, the makers of the XL 900 love throwing around marketing terms like “tank-tough durable construction” or “zoom in for pin-point clarity”. They also make frequent references to the fact that the flashlight is an “army-style” multi-tool – which I guess means that they’re forbidden from using the term “Swiss Army Knife”.

The reason it’s called “tank-tough”, by the way, is because the flashlight gets run over by a real military tank in the XL 900’s infomercial. It’s also seen being left in boiling water – or a freezing block of ice – and it stays on the whole time. The durability, as far as we can see, is no joke.

As the makers of the flashlight explain, “It’s nearly impossible to break this light.”

Ultimately, we don’t have much real information about the material construction or tech specs of the XL 900. We don’t know how long the LEDs last between charges, for example, or the capacity of the battery inside. All we really know is that there’s 900 lumens of power and 8 built-in stainless steel tools.

Which Tools Are Included?

Essentially, XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool is a flashlight with a multi-tool on the back. What exactly are those tools? They include all of the following:

-On-board utility knife

-Bottle and can opener


-Phillips head screwdriver

-Flat head screwdriver and bolt remover

-Seatbelt cutter and saw blade

In total, there are 8 stainless steel tools built into the XL 900. Most of the tools fold out from the back of the flashlight, although other tools (like the seatbelt cutter) are found along the handle of the flashlight.

Who Makes XL 900 Tactical Multi-Tool?

The XL 900 is made by As Seen On TV company Tristar Products, Inc. That company is known for a wide variety of other ASOTV products, including plenty of kitchen appliances like the Fusion Juicer, Micro Chef Grill, Perfect Cooker, Power AirFryer XL, and more. They also created the Rechargeable Twitching Lure, the Flex-Able Hose, Copper Wear, and the Clear TV Key, among many others.

Overall, Tristar is one of the best-known companies in the ASOTV space. Like many other ASOTV companies, they emphasize on selling medium-quality products directly to consumers, with each product designed to solve a unique problem in your life.

Tristar Products is based in Fairfield, New Jersey.

XL 900 Pricing

The XL 900 is currently listed as “out of stock” on the official website. It’s unclear if this is a marketing ploy in preparation for launch, or if the XL 900’s demand really exceeded its supply. In any case, here’s how pricing works out:

-1 Flashlight: $19.99 + Shipping

-2 Flashlights: $19.99 + 2x Shipping

Typically, ASOTV companies charge high shopping costs – between $7 and $10. So we estimate the pricing, on launch, will be around $30 for one flashlight and $40 for two flashlights.

You should also take note of how long shipping will take. Some ASOTV companies will give you an estimated shipping time of 3 to 6 weeks. So if you’re going on a hunting trip two weekends from now, you might not have the XL 900 in time.

Should You Buy the XL 900 Tactical Flashlight?

The XL 900 “Tac Lite” is one of dozens of tactical flashlights that have launched online in the past year. Like other flashlights, the XL 900 uses high-powered LEDs and “military-grade” durability to convince you it’s a high-quality flashlight.

The XL 900 isn’t a bad flashlight. It’s certainly durable, as we see the flashlight staying lit in boiling water, freezing water, and underneath the treads of a military tank. However, you should check Amazon before you buy. You may be surprised by how affordable tactical flashlights can be. If you’re prepared to pay $30 for a flashlight, then you can find much better options for around the same price.

That being said, few flashlights we’ve reviewed have a multi-tool on the back. That XL 900 feature is unique. So if you’re interested in a flashlight that does 10 different things for you, then the XL 900 Tac Lite may be the right choice for you.



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