Lumify X9 LED Flashlight Review – Worth It?


The Lumify X9 LED Flashlight is a recently-released flashlight that promises to offer high-powered lighting and tactical military strength. Here’s our review.

What is the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight?

The Lumify X9 LED Flashlight is a tactical flashlight that calls itself the “world’s strongest and brightest tactical flashlight”. After turning on the Lumify X9, it will be “bright enough to see everything”, according to the makers of the flashlight.

Obviously, these are some bold claims. The Lumify X9 LED Flashlight claims to work by blinding enemies using high-powered lighting. In a test video, the flashlight also showed offs its strength by being run over with a truck while still staying on the whole time.

Better yet, the flashlight claims to be made with aircraft-grade aluminum. There are multiple strobe settings, brightness levels, and zooms available. It’s also available through a 75% off offer online. This is very similar to the most popular taclight on the market, the Shadowhawk X800 model. You can also compare it to various ones that are gaining momentum in the as seen on TV space in the Bell & Howell TacLight.

Let’s take a closer look at the tech specs of this new tactical flashlight.

Lumify X9 LED Flashlight Features and Tech Specs

  • 5.1 inches compressed length (6.6 inches extended length)
  • 1.37 inches wide at the tip, 1.1 inches wide at the base
  • 1 to 2000x zoom capabilities and adjustable focus beam
  • SOS strobe settings (flashlight flashes on and off rapidly to alert emergency services)
  • XPE Tactical LED with 100,000 hours of lamp life
  • 800 lumens of light output
  • 3 x AAA batteries
  • 5 modes, including High, Medium, Low, Strobe, and SOS
  • Made from aircraft-grade aluminum

The only tech spec here that’s a bit misleading is the “aircraft-grade aluminum” part. We’ve seen a number of tactical flashlight makers make similar claims online. Aircraft-grade aluminum is the same stuff you see on bike tires and golf clubs. It’s a specific lightweight aluminum alloy commonly used across multiple industries – so don’t be fooled into thinking you’re getting the same standard-of-quality seen on fighter jets.

Otherwise, all of the above tech specs are pretty much what we expect from a low-budget tactical flashlight.

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Lumify X9 LED Flashlight Pricing

Here’s how pricing breaks down for the flashlight:

  • 1 Flashlight: $79
  • 2 Flashlights: $97
  • 3 Flashlights: $119
  • 4 Flashlights: $169
  • 5 Flashlights: $145
  • 10 Flashlights: $350
  • 20 Flashlights: $700

As you can see, buying 5 flashlights is actually cheaper than buying 4 flashlights, due to the recent promotion. All purchases come with free shipping. You can pay online using any major credit card.

The creators of the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight make numerous mentions of a 75% discount offer. That offer is automatically applied to your purchase on checkout, although we couldn’t find any evidence that the flashlight is ever sold at its “full” price without the 75% discount – so it appears this is a bit of a marketing tactic (the manufacturer claims the normal price is $116).

If you think this is a good deal, take a quick look at Amazon’s flashlight selection. You can get flashlights that look identical to the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight (and have the same 3W Cree XPE bulb) for about $10 to $20 but will only come with the basics.

Who Makes the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight?

The flashlight is made by a company named Lumify Flashlights. That company claims that the flashlights are designed in the United States, although they don’t claim the flashlights are actually manufactured in the United States.

Lumify Flashlights lists the following mailing address:

Suite 600, 1201 Orange St
Wilmington, DE 19899

The company claims its customer service team is based in California. You can get in touch with their customer service team by emailing [email protected].

When you look at the Lumify Flashlights terms and conditions, you’ll learn that the brand is owned and operated by Tea Tank LLC. We couldn’t find any additional information about Tea Tank available online, although there is a product called “Tea Tank” that keeps your tea warm or cold. They don’t appear to have any connection to the flashlight maker.

Should You Buy the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight?

The Lumify X9 LED Flashlight claims to be a tactical flashlight suitable for use by military and police forces around the world.

In reality, we couldn’t find any evidence that police or military members use a budget flashlight like this in real operations. There’s also the problem that similar flashlights with similar tech specs are available for about $10 to $20 from Amazon – compared to the per-unit price of $79 for the Lumify X9.

If you don’t mind paying the premium price tag for a tactical flashlight, then the Lumify X9 LED Flashlight may be the right flashlight option for you. However, most people will be able to find better deals on similar flashlights ordering direct from Amazon and other retailers.

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