Charge ASAP Technology Review
In this current “age of the geek”, technology and innovation have gone hand in hand to bring consumers the fastest, and “smartest” devices fresh of the market. Competing tech companies are battling shoulder to shoulder to bring the newest “it” item to the hands of consumers. Although many argue that technology has possibly taken over the everyday pleasures of life, the advantageous cannot be ignored. Smartphone technology has become the most popular among all individuals, regardless of age or socioeconomic standing.
The benefits of smartphone technology all stem from interconnectedness and efficiency. Instead of having to carry around a bag full of various devices to assist daily tasks, a smartphone allows all functionality to come from one device. Before smartphones, people would separately need to own a PDA, cell phone, MP3 player, e-book reader, camera, and a GPS device to suit all of their needs.
In addition to being a device merger, smartphone technology offers multiple ways to bridge communication. In the past, older mobile devices could only call, and text limitedly. A smartphone offers the option of texting, instant messaging, access to email, video calling and conferencing, as well as instant access to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Currently, access to the World Wide Web is taken for granted. In the beginning, browsing the web could only take place at a desk in an office, or in the library, because a wire would have to be connected to the PC. However, wireless access and laptops have changed the way people interact on the internet. Now, thanks to smartphone technology, the web can be taken out of the home, onto the subway, and into the park – as long as there is cellular coverage. Smartphones can also display high-definition streaming for games and videos from any location.
Because of the easy access to the web, smartphone technology has seen a climb in applications. There are hundreds of thousands of smartphone apps available on the market. Smartphones contain sensors that work with the system programming to make the device compatible with an endless list of applications. From games, to health and fitness tracking apps, each app makes daily life more effective and organized.
Smartphone technology is evolving every day, and companies are creating products that will ensure the growth of the new age. ASAP Technologies are a technology disruptor that create innovative tech accessories for consumers worldwide.
About ASAP
Founder, Vinson Leow graduated from university and developed his unique brand of event management skills, making a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Leow then pursued a career as a marketing strategist for a leading creative agency in Sydney, Australia. Once there, he acquired the skills and passion to launch his first entrepreneurial ventures.
In 2013 he launched Royal Aquamarine, a luxury eyewear brand that was inspired by the unconventional styles found on the streets of Harajuku Japan. In 2014, he then went on to create Zaia, which would become an authorized reseller for a number of lifestyle brands located in Australia and New Zealand. In 2015, he launched Bondi Laces, a fashion line of men’s accessories – shoelaces.
Currently, he has painstakingly worked with a team of entrepreneurs, engineers, and creatives, who have worked together since 2014, to bring ASAP tech products to fruition. ASAP was born out of a necessity. Though the world is no stranger to cellphone accessories, Leow took a different approach. Leow is a frequent world traveler and found himself presented with the constant dilemma of a low battery. Although there were portable phone chargers available on the market, they had a long charging period, and did not hold enough capacity.
The solution to this problem was what would become ASAP Dash – a charger than can charge almost every smartphone, charges in 15 minutes or less – becoming the world’s fastest pocket-sized charger. After the groundbreaking concept idea of the Dash, in March of 2016, funds were successfully raised through the Indiegogo platform enabling them to begin manufacturing, and available on the market no later than August 2016.
Following the success of the Dash, ASAP launched a second campaign. The latest ground breaking concept, ASAP Connect, changes the way cables interact with their smartphones. Through the second Indiegogo platform, ASAP raised $184,279 of their $30,00 goal – over 600% of their initial budget, and the cables are estimated to be available on the market no later than October 2016.
ASAP Products
Below is a detailed list of the products offered by ASAP.
The one of a kind pocket-sized charger stores enough power in 15 minutes to charge an iPhone 6 two times over. That translates into charging 24 times faster than the standard charger, making it the fastest on the market. What makes this portable charger unique is not only the fast charge, but the impressive specs.
Dash is equipped with a large 500mAh battery capacity and a patented protection circuit board that is the smallest customized circuit with high efficiency. Dash can be plugged into any USB device to charge any phone, and has an evolved fast charge technology that allows a greater lifespan, guaranteeing long term use. It was created with lightweight design, and a protective aluminum shell that is strong enough to withstand regular usage.
ASAP Connect
Since charger cables are always at risk of becoming damaged through the constant handling throughout the day, ASAP Connect presents the future of USB cables. The cable features Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets and 18 carat gold plating. The revolutionary cable offers the world’s first reversible cable from the phone end, as well as the charger end. The Connect tip is inserted into the phone and then the cable magnetized to the tip instantly. This allows the user to connect the phone with one hand, in the dark, or use the magnet to retrieve a device from hard to reach places. Connect now eliminates the worry of damaging both cable and phone. There are two tips available, one for micro USB devices, such as Android phones, cameras, and speakers, and another for Apple products.
Purchasing ASAP Products
All products are available for purchase on the ASAP Technologies website (chargeasap.com), or through the Indeigogo campaign page. The Dash portable charger is available for pre-order, and will be shipped out in August 2016. The Connect charger cables will be available for pre-order in July 2016 and will be shipped out in September 2016. Shipping rates are free to the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. International shipping will have a $9 charge.
1x ASAP Dash: 2-in-1 lightning and micro USB cable 1m (3.3ft) with rapid car charger (Silver, Gold, or Gunmetal) – $89.00
[Couples Pack] 2x ASAP Dash: 2 sets of Dash 2-in-1 lightning and micro USB cable 1m (3.3ft) with rapid car charger (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $169.00
[Family Pack] 5x ASAP Dash: 5 sets of Dash 2-in-1 lightning and micro USB cable 1m (3.3ft) with rapid car charger (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $199.00
ASAP Connect
1x Magnetic Cable and 2x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $21.00
Extra-long cable: ASAP Connect cable 1.5m (4.92ft) – $13.00
Connect Twin Pack: 2x Magnetic Cable and 4x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $42.00
Connect Triple Pack: 3x Magnetic Cable and 6x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $63.00
Family Pack: 5x Magnetic Cable and 10x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $95.00
Retailer Pack: 20x Magnetic Cable and 40x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $400.00
Corporate Pack: 50x Magnetic Cable and 100x Connector Tips (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, or Gunmetal) – $1050.00