Beat Bigger Opponents Self Defense Tactical Ink Pen Review


Beat Bigger Opponents is a self-defense company that recently released a tactical ink pen. Here’s our review of whether or not that pen actually helps you defend yourself.

What is the Beat Bigger Opponents Tactical Ink Pen?

The Beat Bigger Opponents Tactical Ink Pen is a self-defense tool that looks (and functions) like a normal pen.

However, hidden behind the rear end of the pen is a 3-inch blade made from aircraft-grade aluminum.

The pen promises to be discreet yet powerful while offering fast knockout power. It’s also stainless and rust-proof.


Beat Bigger Opponents Tactical Ink Pen Features

The pen comes with all of the following features:

-3” blade

-Stainless and rust proof

-Airplane-grade aluminum construction

-Discrete yet powerful with “fast knockout power”

-Functional pen with ink included

The idea is that you can carry the pen with you wherever you go to protect yourself without overtly carrying a weapon.

Beat Bigger Opponents Tactical Ink Pen Pricing

The pen is priced at $20 in total, although the company advertises that price as $4 per day for five days for “shipping and handling” (the pen itself is advertised as free).

All purchases also come with a downloadable guide called the Self Protection Guide – “Powerful Protector” that’s “about the conflict avoidance, body language, and intimidation tactics that men with families need to know to be the protector they want to be.”

Your purchase comes with a 60 day money back guarantee: if you want to return your knife for any reason within 60 days of your initial purchase, then you can do so with no questions asked.

About Beat Bigger Opponents

Beat Bigger Opponents is the online retailer of the Tactical Ink Pen. The pen and Beat Bigger Opponents is part of the Science of Skill family of self-defense brands, which includes Survival Self Protection gear.

You can get in touch with the company’s customer service team by calling (877) 744-7007 or by emailing [email protected].



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