PCKeeper Review – One Stop Software Solution For A Clean PC?


PCKeeper Review

Your PC is prone to developing issues that can slow it down and gather unwanted programs and services much like your car engine can suffer from poor performance without regular servicing. You take your car to the mechanic, but do you take your PC to a technician with the same frequency?

PCKeeper promises to tune up your PC the same way your mechanic tunes up your car, but without the associated costs or headaches.

In this article we’ll take a close look at PCKeeper, what it does and how it does it, and whether it will help you keep your PC in efficient running order.


What Is PCKeeper?

The idea behind PCKeeper isn’t new- programs that speed up or clean up your PC have existed in one form or another since the invention of widely available consumer computer systems. These programs range in quality from good to bad to downright harmful for your PC, and it’s difficult to find a PC cleaning program that does what is says without inadvertently installing a virus or malware.

The low user knowledge entry requirements of modern pc systems, combined with widely available low cost computers and often confusing or intentionally complicated installation processes for many computer programs means user systems are quite often bogged down with unnecessary programs that start when the computer turns on, take away from processing power, or take up large amounts of hard drive space. If a computer user was to keep their computer for it’s entire lifespan without cutting down on unwanted programs or deleting files that aren’t used anymore the end result would be a very slow, unresponsive computer that struggles to complete even basic operating tasks.

PCKeeper is a multi function PC cleaning and management program and antivirus suite, rolled into one easy to use piece of software. PCKeeper aims to fix common PC issues with a single click. PCKeeper can automatically identify and remove unwanted junk files to optimise the PC system and create more free hard drive space, restore the original optimal performance of a PC and locate the source of unwanted advertising programs and needless toolbars and remove them easily.

PCKeeper also incorporates a proprietary anti-theft system that improves your PC security and makes it more difficult for unauthorised users to gain access to your private files, and reduces the boot time of your PC by removing PC startup delays. The PCKeeper optimisation program includes a system scan function that can look through your files one by one to find malware, viruses and compromised or redundant programs, and the user interface of PCKeeper is streamlined and easy to use for casual PC users and tech experts alike.

How Does PCKeeper Work?

PCKeeper offers a wide range of tools to help users keep their PC system in great shape. PCKeeper offers Antivirus, Anti-Theft, Data Hider, Shredder, File Recovery, Disk Cleaner, Disk Explorer, Duplicates Finder, Uninstaller, Menu Manager and Startup Manager assistants, along with a wide range of other essential tools.

Getting started with PCKeeper is as simple as downloading the PCKeeper installation package from the PCKeeper website, installing the program, and starting PCKeeper. To fix most problems all users need to do is hit the ‘Find & Fix’ button, and PCKeeper will take the heavy lifting out of optimizing your PC by finding all of the different ways you can tune up your PC automatically.

One of the key features that ranks PCKeeper far above your typical PC cleaning software is the human interaction element. When users finish a ‘Find & Fix’ scan, the summary of the computer’s status that is generate gets sent to a real, live PC expert that is able to assess the best way for the user to streamline their system. The report is generated immediately after the scan is completed, and feedback on the report is sent back to a user within 24 hours. PCKeeper even offers a Geek on Demand function, allowing users to chat live with a PC expert to help diagnose any system issues they may be having.

The PCKeeper program provides a great breakdown of the specific issues your computer is having once it completes the scan. Users are presented by an analysis of exactly what went wrong with the PC broken down into three different categories, how bad the problem is with visual indicators explaining the level of threat to the PC, and each problem’s explanation in layman’s terms simple enough for anybody to understand.

Another great function of the PCKeeper program is the anti-theft features. The anti-theft function can use the GPS information available on some PC systems to provide a detailed location report in the event a computer becomes lost or is stolen, and can even take a picture of the person using the lost computer with the PC webcam.

PCKeeper Plans & Pricing

A PCKeeper Live 12 month annual license is currently available on the PCKeeper website for the sale price of $39.95 USD if purchased before August 16th, 2016, but usually retails for $59.95 USD. PCKeeper offers a 365 day money back guarantee. The PCKeeper Live package includes the PCKeeper software which offers 12 PC optimizing services rolled into 1, 24/7 call center support, High-level protection from online and offline threats, and a personal technical support assistant.

Overall, PCKeeper is the swiss army knife of PC cleaning, protection and optimisation programs. The human interaction element of PCKeeper is a cut above the rest, and provides a level of service and technical proficiency on par with the customer service team of both Microsoft and Apple. PCKeeper is the go-to choice for PC users wanting regular PC maintenance backed up by a trained professional without the down time and cost associated with visiting a brick-and-mortar PC technician



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