LucidCatcher VR Dreaming Wearable Review – Sleep Neuromodulation?

LucidCatcher VR Dreaming Wearable

LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable is a wearable device designed to further enhance your lucid dreaming skills and give you information about your dreams and dream cycles. This product is still raising funds in a campaign on Kickstarter, where you can earn different incentives based on your level of contribution.

What Is LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable?

LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable is a Sleep Neuromodulation Headband, a wearable device that lets you immerse yourself into your experience of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is a skill that you need to develop the same way you would a muscle. LucidCatcher will help you build this skill. It will help you understand who you are and what kind of world is around you as you sleep.

Luciding, the company behind the LucidCatcher, believes you have the right to know and understand your dreams. Their device allows you to participate and understand that you are dreaming.

For your comfort, pulses are delivered through skin conductivity measuring dry electrodes that are embedded in the comfortable band. Velcro allows for easy electronic connections from your device.

How LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable Works

According to the creators of LucidCatcher, there is a scientific way to measure your skill of lucid dreaming. They believe lucid dreaming is a skill that you develop the same way you build a muscle. It is called the LuCiD Scale, and at Luciding, they have calculated these metrics for you to help you track and share your dreams.

They have created an app that syncs up to your brain waves and influences these frequencies:

  • Theta waves – related to relaxation. Be still and ready to rest. LucidCatcher helps you feel grounded when falling asleep.
  • Beta waves – discharged when focused or feeling upset or tense.
  • Gamma Waves – higher intelligence and heightened conscious state. Be ready to dream with brightness and clearness, and be ready to control.

The LucidCatcher app allows your brain to naturally develop better habits for dreaming. Then it delivers a wealth of information about your dreams.

Using LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable

To achieve the best results with your VR Dreaming Wearable device, follow these steps:

  • Before going to sleep, choose what you wish to dream about
  • Next, find yourself immersed in dreaming – you will know that everything around you is all part of your dream.
  • When you wake, press the button on the device, enter the app, and see your results.
  • You will see the dream journeys statistics, including phases, dream count, and much more. You may also switch to the daily Explorer mode, during which the device pairs to your smartphone via Wi-Fi.

Pricing/Commitment For LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable

This Kickstarter campaign will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Monday, June 19, 2017 at 9:00 AM MST. As of June 4, 2017, they had 131 backers who have pledged $41,597. To encourage donations, the company offers the following incentives at these levels of commitment:

$10.00 pledge offers no reward

$35.00 pledge offers the following incentives:

  • Explorer Package – they will take you on a dream journey. Be one of the first to experience it.
  • Dream Journeys app access
  • Participate in LucidCatcher trial
  • Daily nap in specific location

$350.00 pledge or more offers the following incentives:

  • LucidCatcher New Wave Package – make your dreams come true
  • LucidCatcher wearable headset for dream journeys
  • Additional headband for daily experience
  • Dream journeys app access

$580.00 pledge or more offers the following incentives:

  • LucidCatcher Explorer – Early Bird Package – go on a journey with loved ones or travel with friends.
  • 2X LucidCatcher wearable headset for dream journeys
  • 2X Additional headband for daily experience
  • 2X Dream journeys app access

$2700.00 pledge or more offers the following incentives:

  • Dream Yoga Classroom Package – set up your own environment with Luciding, involve your yoga class with lucid dream and meditation enhancement
  • 10X LucidCatcher wearable headset for dream journeys
  • 10X Additional headband for daily experience
  • 10X Dream journeys app access
  • Custom training experiences for meditation and stress reduction
  • Training journeys access (special dream journey app modules)

LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable Conclusion

This is a project in its funding stages. LucidCatcher – VR Dreaming Wearable is a wearable device for tracking and analyzing brainwaves in real-time, to further your experience with lucid dreaming.


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