EcoServe is a power-saving device that reduces the amount of energy used through the power stream. This device can be used in any home, saving at least 60% of the lost energy that users would otherwise have to pay for.
What is EcoServe?
With the amount of time that people are now spending at home, it should come as no surprise that some bills are starting to add up. Air conditioning units are running at their highest capacity to beat the summer heat, televisions are on for longer hours to fight boredom, and even the computer is using more power to work all day at home. However, these activities aren’t the only reason that the prices are going up.
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Electricity rates for residential neighborhoods have slowly climbed about 27% through the last three years, and it is unlikely that this rise will stop any time soon. Natural gas prices will see a steady increase as well, putting more pressure on electricity rates to follow the pattern. However, the creators behind EcoServe have developed a possible solution.
The purpose of EcoServe is to improve the power stream of the user, using a process that the website describes as “capturing and straightening the current energy” to optimize it. In doing so, energy consumption goes down with the charges on the bill.
The official website states the EcoServe can, “Instantly Reduce Your Electric Bill by Up to 90%.” The device needs to be relatively close to the home’s breaker box, and which is especially important for larger homes as well. However, the power of each EcoServe is limited, so consumers will need to purchase one device for every 500 square feet that need to be covered, and these extra EcoServes need to be as far away from the breaker box as possible in the home.
With adequate surge protection and better management of the voltage being used, there’s no power expended with the EcoServe device, affecting only the electrical appliances such as the air conditioners, washer and dryers, refrigerator, and more in the home. To activate it, the user can plug the EcoServe directly into a wall outlet or line near the breaker box, and the bright LED light will shine green when it is active. For extra protection, the external shell is protected from fire and explosions, which prevents further energy leakage as well.
Buying EcoServe Protection for Your Home
EcoServe is compatible with houses, condos, apartments, and many other types of housing. It can even be used in restaurants, offices, and even small factories, helping people in both residential and commercial buildings to reduce their electric bills. To get EcoServe, anyone can order one of the packages that the official website currently offers, including:
- 1 EcoServe device for $39.98
- 2 EcoServe devices for $59.97
- 3 EcoServe devices for $79.96
- 5 EcoServe devices for $149.93
- 10 EcoServe devices for $279.86
- 15 EcoServe devices for $389.81
- 20 EcoServe devices for $479.76
All of these purchases come with a lifetime warranty, but only the single EcoServe package requires the user to pay for the cost of shipping.
Frequently Asked Questions About EcoServe
Why is EcoServe helpful to consumers?
The use of EcoServe helps to reduce the power output and the wasted energy in a home, which inherently makes the electric bill less costly. The benefits can be seen every month for as long as EcoServe is plugged in.
Is EcoServe safe?
Yes. To make sure that consumers are protected, even in an emergency, EcoServe’s outer shell is made with a material that is fireproof and explosion-proof. It also stops electricity from leaking to preserve the home.
When will users notice a change in their electrical bill?
Users should see a change within 30 days of use, starting on the day that the device is plugged in. If the user plugs in EcoServe during the middle of a billing cycle for their local electric company, they will not see the full impact until the next billing cycle begins.
How many EcoServe devices should the customer order?
As a rule of them, the user will need to use EcoServe for every 500 square feet of a building. For example, a 2,000-square foot home may need 4 EcoServe devices, while a larger commercial building of 5,000 square feet will likely need 10 EcoServe machines to cut electricity costs.
What if customers want to learn more?
The customer support team is available via phone call (855-268-3673) or email (
EcoServe offers consumers a chance to save money on one of the most significant bills for anyone’s home (apart from their mortgage/rent). With energy savings of 60% to 90%, users will start saving money right away, which lets the EcoServe pay for itself after a month or two. It doesn’t consume any energy itself, instead of regulating the voltage and current for the building. While users may have to purchase multiple devices to cover the entire square footage of their home or office, seeing the drastic drop in their electricity bill will likely be worth the effort.